Monday 7 December 2015


Aims and Objectives Planner

Title of Today's Lesson: Pixilation

My Aims and Objectives for Today are: Create a short animation using pixilation.

How to Stretch and Challenge Myself

For Today's Lesson this will mean:

Remembering:I remember how the pixilation technique works, and it's uses.
Applying:I have applied the pixilation technique when creating an animation.
Creating:I've created a pixilation animation just over 7 seconds long.

Reflection during lesson

How am I doing so far:

Reflection at end of lesson: I have been able to create a 7 second animation, I found this style of animation quite easy.

What have I achieved?

Monday 23 November 2015

Cut Out Animation
These are the images we are currently using for our cutout animation. Our reason for choosing these images is that they relate to the short narrative idea we are hoping to use for our animation.

Monday 19 October 2015

 Persistence Of Vision
Persistence of vision refers to the optical illusion created when multiple images are perceived by the human mind to be motion; this is the method used creating films and various types of animation. This works due to the fact that the brain cannot process information at a fast enough speed to see each frame so the brain tricks itself into seeing "motion".