Monday 7 March 2016

Plotline For Animation

Plot line
      1 - The screen remains black hearing only ambient sounds of the ocean and a ship. Until a character yells, and the captain shouts fire.

2 -  The shot opens to a cannon fire, as the crew rush around the ship
      3 - The captain looks off into the ocean and starts to yell "Turn her around" and a cannon fire is heard, he then repeats shouting "Turn her around!" as some of the crew jump overboard. A cannon hits the ship causing an explosion, propelling the captain through the air.
      4 - The shot then changes to a high angle shot of the full ship, showing the crew rushing around and jumping overboard as cannons hit the ship exploding on impact.

      5 - The screen then returns to black as multiple cannon fire are heard until the sounds of battle stop.

6    6 - The screen then returns to footage, showing a lone man floating on a raft in the middle of the ocean, surrounded by bodies in the water, with no ship in sight.

0    7 - It then shows a bird's eye view of the raft fading out to black

      Animation Finishes.





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